Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm baaaacccckkkk

Hello world. I'm back. Sorry it's been so long, but my kids have been sick, I have been sick, Husband has been sick, and it's been a busy few weeks!! I'm still swamped, but thought I would try to write something all the same. If you see my weekly blog on my web site...., you will see that I had a story to tell. Please check out my web site, as I do update that one weekly.

Any how, here's my story....

As most people, life tends to through me lemon's lately. Our families have had 8 deaths, since March, my husband is on disability, and now they are checking him for Lupus...another wonderful disease, money is tight, and then this past week, my two vehicles have broken down. Yes, both. My husband's van wouldn't start, and my van lost the power to the windshield washer blades. So, I must say, things have not been fairing well the last little while. I had a complete break down one day, as I just felt as though I couldn't take any more!! Then after I calmed down, I decided to put it out of my head. I thought to myself, I will sit still, I will take a few deep breaths, and I will just focus on the good in my life. Because no matter how much bad I have, I still have more good. So I did. I forgot about the vans, but the other things out of my head, and let most of it go. For a week, we made due with one van, and didn't even try to fix it...I mean who had the money any ways? So, I was in a conversation with my dad, and mentioned the van, and he said, you know, try cleaning the cables attached to the battery. I thought sure, why not. It probably won't work, but lets try anyways. So, Chad cleaned them, scrubbed them, and volia, the van started. It works even better then before. All it cost....15 mins of time. So, now with the windshield washed motor. My brother said, it could be a fuse, and you can fix that yourself. Again, thought well, why not. Well, we changed the fuses, some relays, and BOOM they work!! Now, I know this is hardly turning water into wine, or walking on water, but I didn't worry, (like I always do) I didn't stress out, I took a step back, and trusted God for once. And, some how, some way, a solution appered. It saved me about 600 dollars I figure. That kind of money goes a long way for us right now.

Moral of this story, just follow the advice you get from friends and family, it may work, it may not, but some times God will work through them all the same.

Have a nice weekend, and please feel free to add your own story here of how God many have worked for you, even if it seems small. It's the small things that can be the most encouraging.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Is anyone out there???

So, still looks like no one is seeing my blog. Or if they are, have nothing to say about it. That's fine, I mean, it's just me! Well, I am not a quitter, and I won't give in so easily! I will keep writing and writing, and maybe one day, one person (other then my husband) will want to join as well!

Seeing as this is an advice type column, and since no one has yet asked me on line for advice, I will just post some things that I have been asked in the past. Things that so many people have wondered or I have wondered.

It's going to be my 12yr anniversary on Sunday, and we have been together for 18yrs! Since we were 16yrs old!! Yes, that makes me 34, but not till Nov!! So, old yes, but not ancient! We have a friend, (no real names, so lets call him DT) and he has often talked about our relationship to complete strangers. He tells people, who complain about not having a serious, or healthy relationship, that he knows of a couple who does. He says, they compliment each other well, and have made it work. So he says, it can happen. And, well, it can, and does. I know of a few other people our age, that also have been together so long, and are still happy. There really is no magic spell, we just work at it. We've had times over the years, where one, or both of us thought of throwing in the towel, and just walking away, but we didn't. SO, we just kept talking, communicating, and trying, and we got through those hard times. We don't tell each other what to do, or put limits on each other. We are a married unit, with kids, but we are still individuals with needs and wants all our own. In DT's case, he was with some one who was very insecure, and didn't want him going out with his own friends, or doing anything as an individual. She has her own reasons for it, but it created so much resentment. This is not healthy. But with that said, DT didn't want to "rock the boat" so to speak, so he didn't say how he really felt, and just went along with it. Time and time again. He lost contact with friends he had for years, he didn't do anything for himself, he didn't feel like he had freedom. She wouldn't allow it, he wouldn't do anything to change it. It created so much anger and resentment, they couldn't get along for any reason. So, they split. And both of them are wondering what happened. Talking is the biggest key in a relationship. It's ok to agree to disagree once in a while. But don't take it personally, and do it in a loving way, before resentments can set it. Just think, if you don't like to be controlled by anyone, then, chances are, no one else wants to be controlled by you either. And if you are being controlled by someone, it's OK to say you don't like it, and you don't have to abide by it. If you are in an abusive relationship, I don't condone staying. Please leave, and seek help. If you are unsure of how and where to seek help, please contact me, and I will help you find the help you need.

Hope you have a nice weekend. I won't be on till after Monday. But please feel free to drop a line, or leave a comment, or ask your own advice.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Help me, I help you, and WE help 3 part idea for helping the masses

Ok, so, I've made it to the 21st century. I have email, and now have a web site, and now a blog. And hey, why not? Seems everyone now a days has all three, and to NOT have it, is soooo last century! So, I thought, who would care about a 30 something wife/mother of two, from Canada, and what she has to write about? And my answer....NO ONE! But I thought, maybe if I created a place, where I can help people, and they can help me, and we can help others....maybe, just MAYBE it would work. And if it doesn't, well now I can be one of the "Cool" kids who has a blog too!

How pray tell are we going to help each other you ask? Well, if you ask the people in my life one thing about me, they will tell you how I LOVE to talk! So I thought, how can I put that in to some adventure in my life? And well one other thing I have learned, is that the people in my "real" life love to come to me for advice. They seem to think I offer some good maybe if I have a blog on advice, I can help people. This is what I call Part One to helping the masses. The part where you help me is part two.

I too have a cliche sad story in my life. My husband is unwell, (nothing fatal thank GOD!!) but all the same, he isn't able to work, and is collecting those lovely disability cheques once a month. Now, before I loose you entirely, NO I AM NOT CHARGING ANYTHING for advice. That is FREE. That is my help to the millions of masses out there dying to hear from me! However, should you ever feel inclined to pass my name on to others, or say ever want to make a donation to my family, I certainly wouldn't turn it away. However, should you feel you are worse off then us (which sadly many are...and I am aware of it. I'm not completely narccisitic) I will always be happy to listen you, and offer the best advice I can. Part three you ask, where we help others??

This is what I was thinking....should I help you...(part one) with advice....and you help me ( part two) with a donation to my cause(my family) I will take 5% of said donation and actually donate it to those less fortunate then me! Since we have a HUGE homeless problem here, I will more then likely buy food and diapers for the food bank, and once (and IF) things progress, I will doante to any charity you like, or other's that are in need. But seeing as the holidays are coming, I would like to buy toys for needy children, and turkey dinners for our homeless. Now I know EXACTLY what you are will you know if I actually do it or not? Well, lets be honest, you won't know up front if I will stick to my word. You don't know me, and well lets be honest, people aren't always up front on line. Well, all I can tell you is, I am a person of my word, and once I have recieved a donation, I will take pictures of the purchases I food for the food And I can also email copies of recipts, so you know it wasn't just taken in my home, of my things. And if you still feel you can't trust me, I can hardly blame you there. Lets just create a friendship instead, and you may come to learn that I am trust worthy.

So, in my three parts, I can offer you advice, (free of charge) and you can feel free to make a doanation for my family( or not...advice is still there for you free) and we can donate to those less fortunate then us. And worst case scenerio, we can make some new friends, learn some new things togther, and have a great place where I can put my best talent to work....talking!!

Thanks for being here, and taking an interest....or not